Our Partners

Captive Insurance

Zynergia’s Captive Insurance is advanced risk management, cost reduction and reward sharing for your business.

Reduced Reliance on Commercial Insurance, Cost Reduction and Rewards for Good Performance

As a small to medium sized business, you may feel that you are subject to the onerous financial costs of insurance products while not having any control over the rising costs. At the same time, you are not able to take advantage of better than anticipated loss performance.

The price of insurance coverage purchased in the standard market typically includes a significant markup to pay for administration, sourcing costs, taxes/surcharges and overhead, as well as profit to the insurer. Many of these items can be managed very effectively and reduced significantly by our team.

Cost savings and increases can be significantly impacted by claim performance. We can help you manage your loss experience and allow you to both reduce your loss costs and benefit for good experience through our unique Risk Management opportunities.

Stabilization of Pricing

By participating in our Risk Management program, we can help you to stabilize your loss experience from year to year, which then can yield stabilized costs accordingly. In contrast, the standard market often set prices in relation to broad industry classifications as well as loss experiences; thereby, failing to reflect excellent experience by individual insureds. The result is price volatility based on general market conditions and the actions of other insureds. In our Risk Management program, we have the ability to recognize and reward based upon loss experience for each client.

Provision of Cover Where Otherwise Unavailable – Alternate Market

From time to time, the standard market is unwilling or unable to provide cover for certain risks, especially for liability and casualty loss within niche businesses. Our Risk Management program can assist in these situations by bringing to bear our resources as well as partners to develop alternative programs for your benefit.

Improved Cash Flow Benefits

Small to medium sized business which have better than expected loss performance miss out substantially on potential investment income or opportunities sponsored by the lost capital if they are participating in programs that do not reward such performance. Our Risk Management program can offer various incentives and participation programs that can allow you to benefit from your good experience.

Opportunities for Improved Claims Handling and Control

Our Risk Management program is designed to enhance and improve the outcomes of traditional TPA performance from the perspective of the insured. We will help you to establish claims monitoring, efficient processing and key metrics which will allow our team to pursue all opportunities to reduce claim costs by working closely with the carrier adjusting teams.

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